My work on my hoard at my home has been put on a hold because we had an unexpected disaster happen with our rental house with some pipes freezing and then unfreezing and ringing up a $218 in an electric bill because of the electric water heater running full time for only God knows how long....and having to clean up all that water and having to clean up our unexpected abandoned apartment thats damaged which I am hoping we can get up to par before the beginning of this month so we can get someone to rent the place then...but who knows what will happen with that...because my husband has every other weekend off and working after he wakes up from 3rd shift and working on it then is impossible with two kids who need constant supervision because they constantly fight or try to get the other in trouble or hurt....soooo....ya....its so great NOT. but we will get there...probably not on my schedule cause its not this weekend my hubby is off its next...but oh well...maybe April we will get someone in there....who knows....we still have to paint and get rid of the nicotine stains and smell bleh! coming from an ex smoker I dont know how I could stand that ugh!
Anyways, I have nit picked at my hoard though and got rid of a truck load of stuff to the DAV, 4 or 5 trunk, back seat and floor board and front seat and floor board of stuff to the DAV as well and a couple more boxes to add to that I have gotten rid of a whole lot...but a lot of it was stuff that just had came into the door because I also am having to go through my mothers stuff who passed away which is what I want to do because I don't want to miss the memories that go with each item and remember then get rid of it...I know I am weird...but I been doing really good about the getting rid of bit...there is lots of stuff I wanted to keep but I keep thinking to myself WHERE WILL IT GO? if I cant think of some place in my home I have now as to where it could possibly go and if it was safe to have there when the baby is toddling around....then its gone...cause I just can't risk my babies safety just because I have a hard time letting go of something that probably wont ever serve a purpose in my lazy anyways...I have made progress sorry I haven't been updating for over a month well almost two months now huh? sorry bout that...I promise I will get better at it I just as I said had a lot happen and also had to focus on getting the old house up to par so we could move someone in and get it rented so we weren't going too far into the hole every month...which it helps...we are now only going about 350 in the hole every when we rent the apartment for 350 a month we will break out even...unless something else goes wrong which I am praying it doesn't but I expect it because of the way things have been going...I much rather it be those type things than my baby being sick or something...which my baby has a healthy heart yeah! anyways...
I will try to update more in the mean time to get your hoarding fix and help with your hoard go to and|aim|dl8|sec1_lnk3|46706 thats a very interesting article which I live by those things without even have read the article till just a little while ago...I have to add though to their list:
You'll Never Be on "Hoarders" if you....Keep asking yourself "If I keep this where will I store it?, When will I use it? and how often will I use it? is it blessing me? or am I slave to it? (do I have to dust it a lot because it just sits there?) and if you keep going back through things and questioning them over and over until you feel you have really for sure gotten rid of everything you can....then work on storage for the items or display for the if there is stuff you haven't used or warn for a year-10yrs sometimes even....I don't think you need it so get rid of it...if there is a box in the attic or garage that you haven't been in for many years...go through it and say oh yeah thats where that went I bought a new one of those cause I couldn't find this one...and get rid of it...sure its nice to have a spare but really you don't need spares of anything...stick to one of each and replace them when they break...its hard to keep track of many of the same thing than to just keep track of one...its no wonder we lose stuff...we get careless when we have multiples...we think its ok I have tons of that size of wrench or whatever...if we only have one and know it we tend to make sure we put it where it belongs and take better care of things....Craftman for instance if you break it you can take it to sears and they replace it no its like you have a never ending supply of the darn thing so you best be taking darn good care of them but not sweat it if it breaks ya you may have to stop what your doing run to the store and replace it to finish the job your working on...but in the long run....I know its a choice you won't regret just because you won't have to dig through as many wrenches to find that one size you want and need...or far as clothes go....those clothes you plan to get into someday again....ya those...that are sitting somewhere in the back of the closet...(if your pregnant this doesn't apply to you) can go and reward yourself with a whole new wardrobe from the DAV when that day comes when you need that size clothes....having it there taunting in the back of the closet I think doesn't help speed the process but rather may make it stand still because every now and then you try them and they still dont fit dang it which can lead to depression and thus keep your wheels turning to keep you where you don't want to be...isn't it fun to notice hey my pants aren't fitting right lets go shopping and try on some clothes and trying to figure out how many sizes you lost and surprise yourself that you are actually in that size you wanted to be in?! I mean common! get rid of it someone out there can use those clothes right now....your not using them and they are just sitting there...being depressed and sad and lonely and cold in that closet...let someone else warm them and keep them from the moths and dust bunnies :-)
Ok thats my two cents on that blog lol
Anyways talk to you all later I will update more often I have 98 more days until I have this baby (June 5th due date) so I have to really buckle down and get my hoard downsized pretty quick or at least get it somewhere so its not so in the way...for when we have the baby and bring him/her home....yes a surprise even though we wanted to know at our last sono the baby didnt cooperate and had a foot, and all the cord and was breech so it was very hard to see...anyways...I really do need to buckle down...I may try to send a few text messages to the blog they will be 150 characters at a time...but they are something right? I will come back and edit them sometime but not sure when....anyways I will talk to you all later
Rabeka Jo
we got the water bill its $1,668...there is no way we lost an Olympic pool amount of water in the short time that it could of been broke before we found it...I think the meter is broken...the water would have been pouring down the driveway into the street and there would of been water everywhere outside as well as inside and that just wasn't the case at wouldn't of been but a few days that it was busted and it was just a small hole...they are supposed to call us and tell us our adjusted bill which last time this happened which it happens every year since we had to remove the gas powered floor furnace so my friend could move into the place with her daughter due to her throwing a fit and wanting gas company to inspect the place and they ruled that to be thank you Becky! Anyways yeah last time it happened it rang up a good size bill but it wasn't like this! holy moly! but last time they gave us 30% off our bill which if they do that to this bill there is no way we can pay it and we will just have them put it on my husbands credit because its not correct of an amount....anyways they can take us to mother in law had stopped by the house prior to the freezing of the weather and nothing was wrong then...and that was the day before the deep freeze then after it unfroze my husband went over to check and found the leak so it couldn't have been unfroze and spraying for longer than a day...and it spewing enough water to fill an Olympic sized pool in that short amount of time...there is no way it would of went unnoticed by the neighbors over there...which they call us whenever anything happens that they see...anyways just thought I would update on that irony of the situation...anyways ttyl
Comic but educational look at the disease of Hoarding...serious illness trying to help others understand how they got to where they are and others how their loved one got to where they are...its a hard job but someone has to do it...please comment I will take into consideration any and all suggestions to make it better thank you for feedback it will make the update will be posted every Sunday at 8AM enjoy
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In this blog you will find the many motivations behind the hoarding lifestyle so maybe those who are not hoarders can understand the mind o...

Saturday, February 26, 2011
My progress as of 02/26/2011
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