Your children have way way way too many toys, but a lot of them were given to them by your late mother so you cant seem to part with those just yet. But its getting out of hand like extremely out of hand. You can hardly walk into their room anymore cause they don't pick them up but where would they put all the stuff? they dont hardly have enough room in toy bins and those take up most of their room...what do you do? Your kids wont let you get rid of any of it either...you tell them if they leave the toys in the living room you will throw them away...but you cant seem to bring yourself to throw them away cause you know how much they love to play with them, so you cant keep your word on that. So your kind of going around and around and having a hard time trying to get rid of the massive pile that just wont go away on its own. Its so frustrating to see the kids live like that but what else can you do? you are partial to lots of toys they are not, then when you say you are finally going to get rid of a toy that your late mother gave them they point out that you dont love your mom cause your getting rid of the toy she gave to them...how horrible of a thing to say...and you try to explain to them that no honey it don't mean I don't love them it means I love them enough to move on with my life and let them go. But you end up stashing the toy away in a box somewhere cause your kids really struck a nerve you thought you got rid of...then you know they love to play with certain type of toys but how many is too many?

When do you say enough is enough? That is a hard thing to think about cause you know they play with all the stash of cars they own cause you see them all strung out all over the back yard, or the house, or where ever they decide to play with them at...and most of the time its nice and neat rows of all the cars. You don't even want to count and see how many cars they actually have cause you know its a ridiculous amount of cars so you don't want to even know. If its girls its Barbies or Bratz...what ever you decided they like a lot and you bought a lot of and had family and friends buy a lot of lol. Lego's for instance when is there enough? and what is too much? but look at how much money you spent on all them legos! its enough to make you sick to your stomach to think that you would get rid of any of them for whatever price garage sale goers would pay...most likely little to nothing! ugh! the horror! So you keep them all, and wonder why your kids cant play in their room (because there is no room to play).

Good thought, back outcome.
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