In this blog you will find the many motivations behind the hoarding lifestyle so maybe those who are not hoarders can understand the mind of those hoarders in your life you just don't understand. Also for those Hoarders who don't know how they got their house to where it is. I am going to be comic about it...forgive me. I know this is a serious illness I have a mild case myself but I am starting to get a hold of it before it gets too out of control. My husband also is a hoarder, and a lot of my material will come from the way he and I think, and also his mother the professional hoarder of the family. My mother also was a hoarder probably the executive hoarder of the family, God rest her soul she is no longer with us. But I grew up with a hoarder also, so I have many insights to this disease and I hope to entertain through comedy relief on such a serious subject, educate by showing the world the thought pattern that leads to a hoarding lifestyle, and I also hope to get feedback through comments since, it will be what motivates me to keep updating the blog.
Thank you I hope you enjoy my blog,
God Bless,
Rabeka Jo D
The creator of this blog
p.s. I am not sure what this blog has in store...it maybe a day by day walk through in my shoes as a hoarder going through my hoard trying to downsize and get my life in order...but I cannot say until I feel comfortable with such a commitment I might just stick to weekly updates though I might send 150character messages via my cell phone to the blog to update my progress throughout my day I just don't know yet...I really wish I could have this blog from oldest to newest order...but you have to post date everything to follow today starting from oldest to newest on down and that would get time consuming after a while...especially if I do update via my cell phone cause I would have to come on here at the end of the day and edit all the small tweets and fix the dates so they follow the same pattern....so ya probably not sorry guys...it will just have to be newest first...I will try to keep introduction at the top best I can though so new visitors can see that hey there is a introduction that explains this blog...and then they will findout they have to read from the bottom up to get the full effect (so those who are new to the blog thats what you have to do thanks :-) lol) Anyway who knows I am pumped up though cause I have captured more than I thought I would already as far as followers and interested individuals so hopefully this will go farther than any other blog I have started, and can't seem to complete cause I get stuck or discouraged cause no one is following it or commenting it...I am a real sponge when it comes to comments and stuff I eat them up and it keeps me going...of course the negative comments can be left off my blog...there is really no need for abuse and proper actions will be taken for harassing or abusive comments...anyways...thanks for reading my blog...I hope you do enjoy it...I hope you find it funny, amusing, or educational ANYTHING?! lol I appreciate the feedback even if its just a click of the different ranks thats something and its better than nothing so thanks!
*UPDATED introduction can be found here* thanks for checking out my blog I hope I can help people!
p.s. I am not sure what this blog has in store...it maybe a day by day walk through in my shoes as a hoarder going through my hoard trying to downsize and get my life in order...but I cannot say until I feel comfortable with such a commitment I might just stick to weekly updates though I might send 150character messages via my cell phone to the blog to update my progress throughout my day I just don't know yet...I really wish I could have this blog from oldest to newest order...but you have to post date everything to follow today starting from oldest to newest on down and that would get time consuming after a while...especially if I do update via my cell phone cause I would have to come on here at the end of the day and edit all the small tweets and fix the dates so they follow the same pattern....so ya probably not sorry guys...it will just have to be newest first...I will try to keep introduction at the top best I can though so new visitors can see that hey there is a introduction that explains this blog...and then they will findout they have to read from the bottom up to get the full effect (so those who are new to the blog thats what you have to do thanks :-) lol) Anyway who knows I am pumped up though cause I have captured more than I thought I would already as far as followers and interested individuals so hopefully this will go farther than any other blog I have started, and can't seem to complete cause I get stuck or discouraged cause no one is following it or commenting it...I am a real sponge when it comes to comments and stuff I eat them up and it keeps me going...of course the negative comments can be left off my blog...there is really no need for abuse and proper actions will be taken for harassing or abusive comments...anyways...thanks for reading my blog...I hope you do enjoy it...I hope you find it funny, amusing, or educational ANYTHING?! lol I appreciate the feedback even if its just a click of the different ranks thats something and its better than nothing so thanks!
*UPDATED introduction can be found here* thanks for checking out my blog I hope I can help people!
Funny to think hoarder can be hereditary and we can attract fellow hoarders into our lives and in your case even marry them...Thank goodness for Fly lady and blogs like yours!