Well pretty much things are at a stand still...though we did get rid of ONE box of stuff to the DAV so I guess that is a little progress but we did tend to splurge the other day for Jack's birthday this weekend. He is going to be 6 this year, but we found the Clearance isle at K-mart and got a bit more than we probably should have...it all having thoughts to be Christmas gifts but they were such great buys we couldn't say no...ugh! I hate this way of thinking in the moment of shopping...so I have to get into Over Haul mode and down size before the mother load hits this Christmas otherwise I will never get on top of the toy situation ever!

The weather has been awesome and I really should be going through the garage to get rid of more stuff or better organize it (ha ha who am I kidding you can't organize clutter!)...anyways...just been too busy with the kids to really do any of that...we had plans of cleaning the garage the other day and ended up spending the whole day going to pet shops then ended up at the animal shelter to get a Guinea Pig for the boys...just what we need a pet that I am no doubt allergic to...ever since we got it, I have had a runny nose but it also might be the seasonal allergies kicking in but my eyes really burn in the house now...so who knows...anyways...I have a lot of hopes and dreams but I just can't seem to convince myself to just gun ho and get to it...its like the motivational fairy has just passed me by and I really need her to come and beat me with her wand! ugh! Once I get started I tend to keep going and going and going...its just the getting started part that I struggle with...and once I hit a bump in the road, like something I don't know what my husband would want to do with it so I put it in a box and then that box gets full and I am like wow this is really going no where cause I am just moving it from one place to another and really not making head way...and feel like I am running my wheels in the mud...but anyways...I do clean at least once a week with the sweeping and the mopping and dishes get done every other day to every day and the laundry maybe once or twice a week...but lately with my stomach hurting I have to admit my husband has been doing all of that...
That's another thing, I have something going on with my stomach, it hurts so bad I am doubled over and I went to a specialist and he is doing a colonoscopy on me to make sure nothing else is going on than IBS as he suspects it to be...I hope they find something and it is an instant fix and all will be well and it won't be all in my head as many people around me I feel treat me...anyways enough about me.
I just really need that motivational fairy to come and beat the heck out of me and get this party started...with the kids being in school all day I can accomplish things if only I could get started ugh!
Rabeka Jo