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In this blog you will find the many motivations behind the hoarding lifestyle so maybe those who are not hoarders can understand the mind o...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Candy Hoarding

An Executive hoarder will keep candy from last year Halloween and when its thrown out will go through the trash picking out what candy was thrown out that is "still good" because "sugar doesn't go bad"...but does it? I think it does but I could be wrong so correct me if I am wrong please so I don't feel I should down the candy just to get it done and ate so the end of battle of what is good and whats is bad...I know when candy has spots that is obviously gone bad and I threw those out and anything opened was tossed as well but pixie sticks were rescued and things in wrappers and gum that hasn't been opened but unknown date when it was obtained but yeah OK I won't argue it was like we never had it but yeah waste not want not right?

OK enough venting about the most ridiculous thing I have ever witnessed hoarded in my life, thought I had seen it all on the show hoarding but I stand corrected lol...and I totally flashed back to the show with the fit he was throwing sifting through the trash salvaging the still good candy...anyways yeah...whatever I allow it cuz he allows my hoarding of other catagories LOL!

Alrighty but the root behind this hoard I would think that there was starving children some place in the world that would love to eat year old candy or something along that line LMAO

Anyway ttyl

Update Nov. 2, 2011

It has been awhile since I updated...so....Been kind of out of commission because of dizzy spells then my back went out, but we got a lot done lately so I thought I would update and brag about it...OK not a lot to most people but to me its a lot...so there!
We took out the queen bed from our oldest son's room and took it to my husband's parents house for my father in law to use as their bed cause he isn't able to sleep since his stroke and knee replacement (prayers are welcomed thanks), and we traded out the toddler bed in our youngest son's room too. We went to a garage sale and scored twin frames two of them the first one was by chance and the second was just a blessing that was hidden :-) see I went up to the lady having the sale and asked saying you probably don't have a twin bed frame do you? and she said yes down in my basement actually and I was like wow really? and she said yeah you can come on down and look if you want I went and looked and it was beautiful! so they tore the bed frame apart and called me the next day and we went to pick it up and the husband spotted behind some stuff the other matching twin bed frame and we ended up getting both for 20 bucks :-) awesome! no fights they were the same so yeah that was awesome! OK then we got rid of some clothes, shoes, sandals, and some food we won't use and some food that we thought a family in need would enjoy, which we had a friend of this family in need come and get them who was a friend of a friend of a friend so yeah complicated more than how I found out about the situation, Facebook post posted by one of my friends...anyways got the clothes and food to them and they were very thankful...my friend is supposed to get to some clothes and give them to me to give to them too...but not sure when that will be...they are very busy. Anyways, the boys rooms look better. I put four tubs of toys in my youngest son's closet so his room doesn't have a tower of tubs that scared me cause they were so tall...anyways glad that's resolved, our living room is still cluttered our kitchen is still cluttered and dinning and entryway but we got rid of some more stuff and every bit helps right? someday we will have a clutter free home right? baby steps as Flylady says with her great program that does work its the applying it that I struggle with...I am guilty of being a SHE you will have to visit www.flylady.net to figure out what a SHE is. You probably are guilty of being one too ;-)
Anyways, just thought I would update you. I have a tip to add from experience with my executive hoarder husband...I am just as guilty as being as bad but yeah...lesson was learned on my part...anyways ttyl
Rabeka Jo