Alright, I am tired of the clutter its past time for me to step up to the plate but I think we finally found a medication that helps with my pain...which means I do have Neuropathy which is where my nerves send signals to my brain saying pain pain pain but when in fact there is no pain at all its just misfired nerves...I am on neurontin which so far has been a blessing in the pain department but in the OCD and can't sleep department it has really taken its tole on me...but the pain is managed so I can soon get this spring cleaning underway and hopefully not step too far over my boundaries and get rid of a bunch of our stuff that is cluttering our lives making me feel like a hoarder. It no doubt will be hard...I will struggle to get rid of things but it just has to happen...I can't live like this anymore...yes I wish someone would come in and direct me...but the only reason for this as my wise aunt told because I don't want to take blame if it doesn't turn out well and someone points out the faults in the progress...then I wouldn't own that shame or disappointment...who ever directed me will be to I just gotta set out and do it for me and to please me and my family and thats all that matters...I don't need others approval other than them anyway...which is a hard thing to overcome but I am working on definitely hasn't been easy...we lost my husband's sister...she died...its been hard on us all...anyway...I just gotta suck everything up and do what needs to be done so hopefully soon I will have updates on a regular basis and progress to brag about...I gotta go back to and get my fly on...and just do 5 mins then 10 mins then 15 mins then 20 mins and thats it...I don't have to do any more cleaning than that at a time...I probably will stay at one level of minutes for a while gradually getting more time on the clock...but the limit is not to burn myself out on the task at hand which is easy for me to with yeah...I as usual have big plans and I do plan to follow through this time...I know I have said it before...and didn't...I am the best at starting things that I don't of the faults I have to live with every waking hour of every day...I can't wait till the day I accomplish what I set out to do...that will be such a great day for will mean I can do anything I set out to do...and yeah...this whole trying to get instruction from others so I have someone to blame if it doesn't work...yeah gotta stop that...for sure...anyways...
I will talk to you later everyone.
God Bless you and keep your hearts light and your feet firmly planted on the ground
Rabeka Jo
p.s. what have you gotten done in your hoard progress? brag in the comments below...maybe it will encourage me to get to it and stick to it...I appreciate all my followers and I hope you can learn something from me and apply it to your lives as well as you to comment and inspire me to keep going...thank you for your to you later :-)
Comic but educational look at the disease of Hoarding...serious illness trying to help others understand how they got to where they are and others how their loved one got to where they are...its a hard job but someone has to do it...please comment I will take into consideration any and all suggestions to make it better thank you for feedback it will make the update will be posted every Sunday at 8AM enjoy
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In this blog you will find the many motivations behind the hoarding lifestyle so maybe those who are not hoarders can understand the mind o...

Friday, March 23, 2012
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