Five Years later you accumulated a shoe box or two full of worthless crayon pieces. Do you have time to sort them and use that handy gadget you bought 5 years ago? Possibly. Have you forgotten about it? No doubt you did, minus the second you stumble upon a crayon piece you quickly place into the shoe box with its other friends, during of which you don't have time to sort and make new crayons and decide you'll do it later, but never get around to doing. But you keep right on collecting those crayons and hope someday to be able to sit down and sort through all the bits and pieces so you can make new crayons of same colors and then finally make some use of the gadget you purchased so long ago. See this is how it goes a lot of the time whether we find the gadgets at garage sales or on sale at the store, you just can't pass it up when it saves the planet in some way.
Good thoughts, bad outcome.
Love it...I have never heard of one of these but how many of us hoard such silly things with even sillier or unrealistic goals? I know I do! Love how you write..thanks for yr blog.