An Executive hoarder will keep candy from last year Halloween and when its thrown out will go through the trash picking out what candy was thrown out that is "still good" because "sugar doesn't go bad"...but does it? I think it does but I could be wrong so correct me if I am wrong please so I don't feel I should down the candy just to get it done and ate so the end of battle of what is good and whats is bad...I know when candy has spots that is obviously gone bad and I threw those out and anything opened was tossed as well but pixie sticks were rescued and things in wrappers and gum that hasn't been opened but unknown date when it was obtained but yeah OK I won't argue it was like we never had it but yeah waste not want not right?
OK enough venting about the most ridiculous thing I have ever witnessed hoarded in my life, thought I had seen it all on the show hoarding but I stand corrected lol...and I totally flashed back to the show with the fit he was throwing sifting through the trash salvaging the still good candy...anyways yeah...whatever I allow it cuz he allows my hoarding of other catagories LOL!
Alrighty but the root behind this hoard I would think that there was starving children some place in the world that would love to eat year old candy or something along that line LMAO
Anyway ttyl
Comic but educational look at the disease of Hoarding...serious illness trying to help others understand how they got to where they are and others how their loved one got to where they are...its a hard job but someone has to do it...please comment I will take into consideration any and all suggestions to make it better thank you for feedback it will make the update will be posted every Sunday at 8AM enjoy
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In this blog you will find the many motivations behind the hoarding lifestyle so maybe those who are not hoarders can understand the mind o...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Update Nov. 2, 2011
It has been awhile since I kind of out of commission because of dizzy spells then my back went out, but we got a lot done lately so I thought I would update and brag about it...OK not a lot to most people but to me its a there!
We took out the queen bed from our oldest son's room and took it to my husband's parents house for my father in law to use as their bed cause he isn't able to sleep since his stroke and knee replacement (prayers are welcomed thanks), and we traded out the toddler bed in our youngest son's room too. We went to a garage sale and scored twin frames two of them the first one was by chance and the second was just a blessing that was hidden :-) see I went up to the lady having the sale and asked saying you probably don't have a twin bed frame do you? and she said yes down in my basement actually and I was like wow really? and she said yeah you can come on down and look if you want I went and looked and it was beautiful! so they tore the bed frame apart and called me the next day and we went to pick it up and the husband spotted behind some stuff the other matching twin bed frame and we ended up getting both for 20 bucks :-) awesome! no fights they were the same so yeah that was awesome! OK then we got rid of some clothes, shoes, sandals, and some food we won't use and some food that we thought a family in need would enjoy, which we had a friend of this family in need come and get them who was a friend of a friend of a friend so yeah complicated more than how I found out about the situation, Facebook post posted by one of my friends...anyways got the clothes and food to them and they were very friend is supposed to get to some clothes and give them to me to give to them too...but not sure when that will be...they are very busy. Anyways, the boys rooms look better. I put four tubs of toys in my youngest son's closet so his room doesn't have a tower of tubs that scared me cause they were so tall...anyways glad that's resolved, our living room is still cluttered our kitchen is still cluttered and dinning and entryway but we got rid of some more stuff and every bit helps right? someday we will have a clutter free home right? baby steps as Flylady says with her great program that does work its the applying it that I struggle with...I am guilty of being a SHE you will have to visit to figure out what a SHE is. You probably are guilty of being one too ;-)
Anyways, just thought I would update you. I have a tip to add from experience with my executive hoarder husband...I am just as guilty as being as bad but yeah...lesson was learned on my part...anyways ttyl
Rabeka Jo
We took out the queen bed from our oldest son's room and took it to my husband's parents house for my father in law to use as their bed cause he isn't able to sleep since his stroke and knee replacement (prayers are welcomed thanks), and we traded out the toddler bed in our youngest son's room too. We went to a garage sale and scored twin frames two of them the first one was by chance and the second was just a blessing that was hidden :-) see I went up to the lady having the sale and asked saying you probably don't have a twin bed frame do you? and she said yes down in my basement actually and I was like wow really? and she said yeah you can come on down and look if you want I went and looked and it was beautiful! so they tore the bed frame apart and called me the next day and we went to pick it up and the husband spotted behind some stuff the other matching twin bed frame and we ended up getting both for 20 bucks :-) awesome! no fights they were the same so yeah that was awesome! OK then we got rid of some clothes, shoes, sandals, and some food we won't use and some food that we thought a family in need would enjoy, which we had a friend of this family in need come and get them who was a friend of a friend of a friend so yeah complicated more than how I found out about the situation, Facebook post posted by one of my friends...anyways got the clothes and food to them and they were very friend is supposed to get to some clothes and give them to me to give to them too...but not sure when that will be...they are very busy. Anyways, the boys rooms look better. I put four tubs of toys in my youngest son's closet so his room doesn't have a tower of tubs that scared me cause they were so tall...anyways glad that's resolved, our living room is still cluttered our kitchen is still cluttered and dinning and entryway but we got rid of some more stuff and every bit helps right? someday we will have a clutter free home right? baby steps as Flylady says with her great program that does work its the applying it that I struggle with...I am guilty of being a SHE you will have to visit to figure out what a SHE is. You probably are guilty of being one too ;-)
Anyways, just thought I would update you. I have a tip to add from experience with my executive hoarder husband...I am just as guilty as being as bad but yeah...lesson was learned on my part...anyways ttyl
Rabeka Jo
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
my progress as of 09/07/2011 or should I say digress?

That's another thing, I have something going on with my stomach, it hurts so bad I am doubled over and I went to a specialist and he is doing a colonoscopy on me to make sure nothing else is going on than IBS as he suspects it to be...I hope they find something and it is an instant fix and all will be well and it won't be all in my head as many people around me I feel treat me...anyways enough about me.
I just really need that motivational fairy to come and beat the heck out of me and get this party started...with the kids being in school all day I can accomplish things if only I could get started ugh!
Rabeka Jo
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Update Aug. 15, 2011
Well guys, today was kind of a hard day for me it was my daughter's who was adopted out birthday she turned 11 today so that means 7 more years until she is old enough to come and find me. I miss her terribly bad and her sister who turned 12 back in March. But today I tackled my kitchen counters. I am going to leave the hoard in the garage that is out of sight out of mind there until I can get the hoard inside my home under control and well able to be used as its intended or get rid of what can't be used or whatever it is I am trying to say and do lol.
Funny how I just move my clutter around cause nothing really has a home yet...I really need to figure out where to put the things that I really do need to keep hold of cause I do use them often instead of letting them float from one hot spot to the next...because thats what I do with everything move it from the counter to the stove to the top of the microwave to the dining room table to the entertainment center table that is just cluttered with stuff without electronics on it to my desk to my couch even! Ugh! Stop the madness! But how? I am still trying to figure this out and soon as I figure it out, you know I am going to be posting it here on my blog.
Anyways I worked long and hard and boxed up all the clutter that don't have a home yet, but are needed to be saved for my husband to go through later, I wasn't partial to hardly any of it but he might be so I kept it all for him, not to step on his toes. Anyways, I cleaned the counter with green works and paper towels I wiped down the coffee maker, the microwave on the outside and underneath the toaster, microwave, and coffee maker. I still need to unload the dishwasher and reload it, so I can better scrub the sink with cleaner products cause I don't want to use the products with dishes in the sink because I'm paranoid about the cleaner sticking to the dishes and making us sick. So yeah. The way I got started was the way by starting my timer I set it for 30 mins which since I am back in shape I believed and successfully did two 30 min sessions without a hiccup though now I am stuck in front of my computer blogging to you guys :-) but I am enjoying sharing with you all my accomplishments.
I also cleaned the electric can opener with a toothbrush and cleaner then rinsed (unplugged of course) with water (and the part I rinsed was detachable) Anyways, it looks brand new! That reminds me I still need to clean the inside of the Microwave too, and the front of the cabinets and dish washer :-) then that half of the Kitchen is done. But this will probably have to wait till tomorrow sometime, since I am already ready for bed.
Anyways, I just thought I would update you all on my progress.
Rabeka Jo D
P.S. we didn't get pregnant this month at least so the pregnancy test 5 days prior to my expected monthly said no...but we will keep trying :-)
Funny how I just move my clutter around cause nothing really has a home yet...I really need to figure out where to put the things that I really do need to keep hold of cause I do use them often instead of letting them float from one hot spot to the next...because thats what I do with everything move it from the counter to the stove to the top of the microwave to the dining room table to the entertainment center table that is just cluttered with stuff without electronics on it to my desk to my couch even! Ugh! Stop the madness! But how? I am still trying to figure this out and soon as I figure it out, you know I am going to be posting it here on my blog.
Anyways I worked long and hard and boxed up all the clutter that don't have a home yet, but are needed to be saved for my husband to go through later, I wasn't partial to hardly any of it but he might be so I kept it all for him, not to step on his toes. Anyways, I cleaned the counter with green works and paper towels I wiped down the coffee maker, the microwave on the outside and underneath the toaster, microwave, and coffee maker. I still need to unload the dishwasher and reload it, so I can better scrub the sink with cleaner products cause I don't want to use the products with dishes in the sink because I'm paranoid about the cleaner sticking to the dishes and making us sick. So yeah. The way I got started was the way by starting my timer I set it for 30 mins which since I am back in shape I believed and successfully did two 30 min sessions without a hiccup though now I am stuck in front of my computer blogging to you guys :-) but I am enjoying sharing with you all my accomplishments.
I also cleaned the electric can opener with a toothbrush and cleaner then rinsed (unplugged of course) with water (and the part I rinsed was detachable) Anyways, it looks brand new! That reminds me I still need to clean the inside of the Microwave too, and the front of the cabinets and dish washer :-) then that half of the Kitchen is done. But this will probably have to wait till tomorrow sometime, since I am already ready for bed.
Anyways, I just thought I would update you all on my progress.
Rabeka Jo D
P.S. we didn't get pregnant this month at least so the pregnancy test 5 days prior to my expected monthly said no...but we will keep trying :-)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Update July 7, 2011
Well I moved everything out of our house well not everything everything but most of it and put it in the garage for later sorting through...(yeah remember that thing I said about this plan and how it will probably sit there for a whole year before I go through it again lets hope I ain't right about it)...Anyways I am glad I set that expectation cause then if I don't end up doing that and actually do what I intend to do...vs what I set myself up for doing...which is to put it off for a my expectation isn't too high and if I beat it then I feel more accomplished....kind of like my mom making her dream life was her being a bag if she made it more than that she was well off...which is actually a good way to do it set your expectations low so if you get anything more than that expectation you can pat yourself on the back :-)
So anyways I did a flight of the bumble bee dash to get the stuff moved because my friend and her family was heading over for a visit later that day...but ended up coming the next day so I had a little extra time to do stuff and mopped and swept which felt really good...Anyways the house is looking better...Garage not so much...but I promise I will at least go through one box a month (again not setting too high of expectation so if I do more I am doing real good :-) at least thats the plan) Anyways...I just thought I would update you on the progress...I still have a ways to go but its coming along nicely I think...
Anyways I will talk to you all later...
Rabeka Jo
P.S. I have invested in $4 tubs at Walmart to help sort the things I do want to keep (um yeah not the stuff you probably are thinking...its more like bedding and coats and seasonal clothes) Anyways...I just thought I would add that...the necessities things with having three beds and soon four beds when we get set up for baby that we are going to be in the process of making soon...and have to store 5 peoples winter/summer clothes when seasons yeah thats the game plan at least...and I am trying to keep them minimal as far as how many sheets fitted and not fitted, anyways I am trying to down size really I task at hand is the kids toys again...gotta downsize those quick...they are really out of yeah thats the plan...will be probably just in time for another kids birthday XD but I will get it done soon I hope
So anyways I did a flight of the bumble bee dash to get the stuff moved because my friend and her family was heading over for a visit later that day...but ended up coming the next day so I had a little extra time to do stuff and mopped and swept which felt really good...Anyways the house is looking better...Garage not so much...but I promise I will at least go through one box a month (again not setting too high of expectation so if I do more I am doing real good :-) at least thats the plan) Anyways...I just thought I would update you on the progress...I still have a ways to go but its coming along nicely I think...
Anyways I will talk to you all later...
Rabeka Jo
P.S. I have invested in $4 tubs at Walmart to help sort the things I do want to keep (um yeah not the stuff you probably are thinking...its more like bedding and coats and seasonal clothes) Anyways...I just thought I would add that...the necessities things with having three beds and soon four beds when we get set up for baby that we are going to be in the process of making soon...and have to store 5 peoples winter/summer clothes when seasons yeah thats the game plan at least...and I am trying to keep them minimal as far as how many sheets fitted and not fitted, anyways I am trying to down size really I task at hand is the kids toys again...gotta downsize those quick...they are really out of yeah thats the plan...will be probably just in time for another kids birthday XD but I will get it done soon I hope
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Update June 28, 2011
Well D.A.V. came and left with a truck full of goodies and we gained one slab of concrete in the garage. I would like to rearrange the garage to make paths to be able to get to stuff easier than hurdling over things and risk avalanches or hurting myself or my husbands self...then move what stuff in the house that I can't get rid of just yet nor put away just yet because I need room to be able to build places for stuff to go...THEN move it back into the house (uh yeah that's the plan right?). You and I both know it won't work unless I stay motivated and then when I am done building places to put stuff and run out of places to put stuff I will still have a garage full of stuff I can't part with...and have to re-evaluate what I have and get rid of more stuff and hopefully by then I wouldn't have accumulated anything more than what I already have today...but that's probably doubtful...
I do have to say the one thing that is good about this depression is that I have no motivation to do anything including but not limited to shopping XD...only good thing about it...bad part of it is that I am not motivated to do anything including cleaning so I just sit here with my mess without building it higher though so that's good I am stable at least not adding to my mess right? Anyways.
I am trying to get things in swing so we can get ready for a baby before we get the baby in the we are ready long before he or she gets here...anyways...
Also I want to note that my horrible mess maybe something no one else think its as bad as I think...I am my worst critic and I have to tell you readers this so you don't get the wrong idea bout hoard isn't filthy its clean I can't stand filth I just have stuff...and its clutter...too much stuff not enough storage space or display shelves or something...the floors are swept and mopped more often than anything...and dishes and laundry do get done...if my husband has to do it he does it...which lately my funk I am in he has been the only one doing anything around here...I feel bad about it but what can I do about it? I lost another baby and I am really just in a funk and I will get through it like I always do...and I am planning on snapping out of it...since my depression is not chemically induced (why pills don't help me) its circumstances and I just gotta work through the problems...there is nothing I can do to change what happened...I just gotta learn to live with the facts that these things happened...and move forward...accepting them....its not easy...but I hear it can be I am going to try very hard...cause pills just make me worse I think... to you all later
Rabeka Jo
I do have to say the one thing that is good about this depression is that I have no motivation to do anything including but not limited to shopping XD...only good thing about it...bad part of it is that I am not motivated to do anything including cleaning so I just sit here with my mess without building it higher though so that's good I am stable at least not adding to my mess right? Anyways.
I am trying to get things in swing so we can get ready for a baby before we get the baby in the we are ready long before he or she gets here...anyways...
Also I want to note that my horrible mess maybe something no one else think its as bad as I think...I am my worst critic and I have to tell you readers this so you don't get the wrong idea bout hoard isn't filthy its clean I can't stand filth I just have stuff...and its clutter...too much stuff not enough storage space or display shelves or something...the floors are swept and mopped more often than anything...and dishes and laundry do get done...if my husband has to do it he does it...which lately my funk I am in he has been the only one doing anything around here...I feel bad about it but what can I do about it? I lost another baby and I am really just in a funk and I will get through it like I always do...and I am planning on snapping out of it...since my depression is not chemically induced (why pills don't help me) its circumstances and I just gotta work through the problems...there is nothing I can do to change what happened...I just gotta learn to live with the facts that these things happened...and move forward...accepting them....its not easy...but I hear it can be I am going to try very hard...cause pills just make me worse I think... to you all later
Rabeka Jo
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Update June 15, 2011
Well the sale went great the first day second day was too windy and third day I didn't even mess with it...I made a grand total of 90 bucks I that was good...tons of people got great deals on my junk cause I wasn't in the mood to really argue with anyone...I hate people...I am far from a people person...especially stupid ones...and most the visitors were stupid...I didn't punch anyone so that is a good time won't ever happen next time cause we wont be doing a yard sale ever again...ya its nice to try and get something out of our junk that we been storing for all these years to someday maybe get use out of them...but in the long run it was so not worth the hassle if we ever do it again it will be a Thurs. ONLY sale not a 3 day or even 2 day sale...thats it one day and thats it...
Tomorrow DAV is coming to pick up the rest of our sale items so today I need to better organize the pile that is going to them so it will be an easy unload of the garage to the truck...I really hope someone gets use of my moms quilt light table thing...hope a church can get it real cheap and help support the Disabled American the same time...and I hope they don't throw it out not knowing what it is or thinking it wont sale...anyways....I just can't think about that possibility because it sends such anxiety over me it makes my stomach churn....
That I think is the main hoarding problem the anxiety of the thought of all these years wasted holding on to this for someone to just see no value in whatever and just throw it away but it cost so much when we bought it years ago or our loved one bought years ago...ya there is up to date more high tech stuff out there but some people enjoy the old stuff because it works just as well if not better...the stuff they make these days is easily breakable and hardly sturdy at all...breaks easy and wow you know what? batteries don't last as long these days as they did back in the laptop of a year has a battery that is dead now...wont hold a charge at all...yet the other battery that I have had for years is still holding a charge...yes cheaper to make to keep prices down but causes us to have to buy many over the years instead of investing the time and money into a great product...anyways...
After we get the pile that goes to DAV gone tomorrow we will be able to move stuff from inside our home out there so we can function in our home instead of piling stuff from here to there to use stuff...anyways....I am excited about that...but I don't want that to be a permanent home for the stuff we move out there...I still plan to go through stuff and get rid of more stuff...just in sure didn't get this way over night and it isn't going to get fixed in one day either...its going to take time and great discipline but I am up for the challenge on my own since no one seems to want to help me...ya I asked all my friends in town to come help me with my garage one...well my aunt patty came to help...and my sister in law sent her friends son to help which helped a lot....but not exactly what I had in mind...just as what I had in mind when we went to move...I expected a convoy of people lining up to help me and we get most of it in one load if not two loads and be done...but ya that didn't happen and here it is a year after we moved and we I think have just half a shed worth of junk and maybe the top shelf in a garage still at our rentals but that stuff will come when we get more room over here obviously...its not hurting nobody being where it is right now...anyways...
Once we get rid of the overwhelming cluttered mess out of our house I can focus on deep cleaning and reclaim our home finally...and keep on top of it cause I don't want it to get this way ever again! of course Lord knows it may slip here and there and hopefully not get too far out of control...I just know I gotta try to keep up with mom did it with 4 kids why can't I with only 2? and I am going to be trying to add a 3rd in Aug. Sept. going to try health isn't doing too great either so hopefully that won't put a damper on my ability to clean and keep up with the house once the clutter is gone I don't see it being an issue...minus the new junk coming in the home (mail, etc.) Anyways I will definitely be enforcing fly lady way of living every day because I can't do it any other way...anyway
That is the update for a one day sale if you want to do a garage or yard sale...don't ever sign up for a 2 or 3 day think you will drag out your ability to sale stuff...but honestly I made maybe 3-10 bucks on the second day of my sale and didn't even bother putting the sale out on the third day...wasn't worth it....too hot and windy...if you are having an estate sale and its in the home sure no problem...stay cool enjoy the company that comes and goes...but if its gonna be outside...forget it don't do more than one day elements of weather, and stuff is hard to guess what its going to be doing...anyways....
I must go reorganize the pile thats going tomorrow to the DAV (we frantically had to throw everything back into the garage and its strewn all over the place because of the rain that was starting to pour down on us)
Anyways talk to you all later
Rabeka Jo
Tomorrow DAV is coming to pick up the rest of our sale items so today I need to better organize the pile that is going to them so it will be an easy unload of the garage to the truck...I really hope someone gets use of my moms quilt light table thing...hope a church can get it real cheap and help support the Disabled American the same time...and I hope they don't throw it out not knowing what it is or thinking it wont sale...anyways....I just can't think about that possibility because it sends such anxiety over me it makes my stomach churn....
That I think is the main hoarding problem the anxiety of the thought of all these years wasted holding on to this for someone to just see no value in whatever and just throw it away but it cost so much when we bought it years ago or our loved one bought years ago...ya there is up to date more high tech stuff out there but some people enjoy the old stuff because it works just as well if not better...the stuff they make these days is easily breakable and hardly sturdy at all...breaks easy and wow you know what? batteries don't last as long these days as they did back in the laptop of a year has a battery that is dead now...wont hold a charge at all...yet the other battery that I have had for years is still holding a charge...yes cheaper to make to keep prices down but causes us to have to buy many over the years instead of investing the time and money into a great product...anyways...
After we get the pile that goes to DAV gone tomorrow we will be able to move stuff from inside our home out there so we can function in our home instead of piling stuff from here to there to use stuff...anyways....I am excited about that...but I don't want that to be a permanent home for the stuff we move out there...I still plan to go through stuff and get rid of more stuff...just in sure didn't get this way over night and it isn't going to get fixed in one day either...its going to take time and great discipline but I am up for the challenge on my own since no one seems to want to help me...ya I asked all my friends in town to come help me with my garage one...well my aunt patty came to help...and my sister in law sent her friends son to help which helped a lot....but not exactly what I had in mind...just as what I had in mind when we went to move...I expected a convoy of people lining up to help me and we get most of it in one load if not two loads and be done...but ya that didn't happen and here it is a year after we moved and we I think have just half a shed worth of junk and maybe the top shelf in a garage still at our rentals but that stuff will come when we get more room over here obviously...its not hurting nobody being where it is right now...anyways...
Once we get rid of the overwhelming cluttered mess out of our house I can focus on deep cleaning and reclaim our home finally...and keep on top of it cause I don't want it to get this way ever again! of course Lord knows it may slip here and there and hopefully not get too far out of control...I just know I gotta try to keep up with mom did it with 4 kids why can't I with only 2? and I am going to be trying to add a 3rd in Aug. Sept. going to try health isn't doing too great either so hopefully that won't put a damper on my ability to clean and keep up with the house once the clutter is gone I don't see it being an issue...minus the new junk coming in the home (mail, etc.) Anyways I will definitely be enforcing fly lady way of living every day because I can't do it any other way...anyway
That is the update for a one day sale if you want to do a garage or yard sale...don't ever sign up for a 2 or 3 day think you will drag out your ability to sale stuff...but honestly I made maybe 3-10 bucks on the second day of my sale and didn't even bother putting the sale out on the third day...wasn't worth it....too hot and windy...if you are having an estate sale and its in the home sure no problem...stay cool enjoy the company that comes and goes...but if its gonna be outside...forget it don't do more than one day elements of weather, and stuff is hard to guess what its going to be doing...anyways....
I must go reorganize the pile thats going tomorrow to the DAV (we frantically had to throw everything back into the garage and its strewn all over the place because of the rain that was starting to pour down on us)
Anyways talk to you all later
Rabeka Jo
Friday, May 27, 2011
my progress as of 05/27/2011
Well today we took a big bite out of our hoard...went through half of our double car garage got a good pile of sale items for the garage sale next weekend...about half of the stuff we went through is going into the sale...thats encouraging...tomorrow we plan to go through the other side of the garage and put all the sale on that side and put the rest of the keep on the side we went through today and the sale on the side we will be going through tomorrow if that makes any sense...anyways...I am hoping to have more help tomorrow but I guess I gotta call everyone individually and ask them one by one and be turned down by each one by one cause I know they can't do it for one reason or another....which is fine I understand its kind of last minute but its the last weekend my husband can help me and so I am trying to make it count...I know I have a week before the garage sale I just want it done this weekend so I can be sure of what he wants to keep and what he wants to get rid I can not have to bother him during his work week...anyways...I hope our nephew can at least help keep the kids busy so they don't fight all day like they did today...ugh no wonder why I did 80% of the work...Daddy had to referee and had to take the car to the car dealership for an oil change...anyways...thats the game plan pray for weather to allow this to happen and pray for someone to be able to come and help cause I really don't want to do this alone...and pray no one asks us to go to their house for whatever reason or something breaks at our rentals or something that makes us have to do something other than what we have been trying to do since we moved here a year ago...but every weekend my husband was off till now he has or we have had to work on our rentals or had get together with family or friends...anyway I am hopeful for tomorrow :-)
Talk to you later,
Rabeka Jo
Talk to you later,
Rabeka Jo
Sunday, April 17, 2011
my progress as of 04/17/2011
Well as most of you know my progress has been put on a stand still due to my losing our son who was stillborn March 18, came as a shock and I still am having problems with admitting that it happened I guess...I really want to have a decluttered home but I am so not motivated now that I lost my motivation (a baby on the way) And with the possibility of trying again for another baby hanging up in the air until we know about my health which I have a 1cm lesion on my liver...which is causing me to be sick to my stomach, lack of appetite (feeling of being full all the time), Severe pain in my abdomen, and fatigue...they are the ones that are most effecting me right now...anyways...I am kind of beside myself as to wanting to get anything done in the house...
I am more wanting to get a memorial garden in place and NO ONE IS WILLING TO COME AND HELP ME and its very frustrating to me...the two shovels I had broke...and I dont know where my spades are so I can at least do some of it by hand...and I keep asking people to come over and bring their shovels but no one seems to see me anymore...its like everyone who came out of the woodwork and came forward in sympathy have suddenly worked their selves back into the woodwork and again I stand alone...I keep thinking maybe I am not grieving properly and thats why they just ignore me...because they don't think thats what I should be doing with myself at this point in time...of course thats probably just my borderline getting the best of me...but still I am alone...people asked me if there was anything that they could do for me...which is what is now obviously just something people say and don't mean it sincerely just like that question "how are you?" which is inquiring for a casual "fine" remark not a life story word vomit type response that I often give the inquirers...I have never been good with being reserved and keep things to myself...and if you didn't figure this out you know...
Anyways I just thought I would let you all know I am at a stand still with my progress...but I do have a box of donations to be delivered this week at some time that I decide to do so...its on my to do list...anyways
Talk to you later.
Rabeka Jo
I am more wanting to get a memorial garden in place and NO ONE IS WILLING TO COME AND HELP ME and its very frustrating to me...the two shovels I had broke...and I dont know where my spades are so I can at least do some of it by hand...and I keep asking people to come over and bring their shovels but no one seems to see me anymore...its like everyone who came out of the woodwork and came forward in sympathy have suddenly worked their selves back into the woodwork and again I stand alone...I keep thinking maybe I am not grieving properly and thats why they just ignore me...because they don't think thats what I should be doing with myself at this point in time...of course thats probably just my borderline getting the best of me...but still I am alone...people asked me if there was anything that they could do for me...which is what is now obviously just something people say and don't mean it sincerely just like that question "how are you?" which is inquiring for a casual "fine" remark not a life story word vomit type response that I often give the inquirers...I have never been good with being reserved and keep things to myself...and if you didn't figure this out you know...
Anyways I just thought I would let you all know I am at a stand still with my progress...but I do have a box of donations to be delivered this week at some time that I decide to do so...its on my to do list...anyways
Talk to you later.
Rabeka Jo
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
My progress as of 03/9/2011
I got rid of 4 or 5 boxes of office supplies the other day by donating it all to the school my kids attend...they were over joyed with all the post it notes, stackable shelves, binders, filing cabinet dividers of many kinds including folder type, as well as many different print outs for different types of hand outs for homework and stuff that my mom wrote my name on each page of and I am sure she intended for me to do them but we never got around to doing them for some reason or another, as well as staple removers, desktop tape dispensers, totes for like pens and arts supplies...anyways there were 17 of those stackable plastic shelves that saved a lot of space as well as the boxes that were taking up space...of course the space was over at the rent house where we easily moved a whole truck full of stuff from my sisters before she moved out of state...anyways...progress just not where its needed which is here at home...though I did get rid of some stuff and I have a box that is being added to...that is going to be donated...I just want it full before I drop it off cause I don't want to waste the box I am limited on having at this point...anyways...I am getting there slowly but surely....its just hard to get rid of books...especially those of value when you know you have something worth something but not having the connections to sell the collector items sorta thing....yeah
I have less than 3 months to be ready for baby to come home and we keep having to work on our other homes our rental properties instead...and other type hoards that don't really belong to me but I am pretty much looking through my mothers stuff and saying oh I remember this and dismiss it and donate it or throw it away depending on if its of worth for DAV to sell...anyways I am nearly buried in my mothers books that she has collected over the well as inherited from different people she lost throughout the years...and some are worth something but finding someone who holds interest in them and willing to pay what is worth is very tricky process...I just may put them on ebay starting at .99 and hope someone doesn't end up getting such a great deal that they rob me of its worth and hopefully I make enough money to help pay for my braces that I desperately need so I can close my mouth and chew my food properly because my teeth don't meet anymore due to having TMJD surgery, then getting a splint to correct my bite and now I need braces to finally be pain free and able to chew properly and thus solving issues I have been having with my digestion process...anyways...long story there...
Anyways, just thought I would update on my progress on my hoard...
I will try to keep you all up to date on my hoard and I hope it is helping...I am sorry I am slacking off but my health hasn't been up to par lately and I am coming down with something yet again...just got over something and now I am coming down with something else grrr...will I ever not be sick? will I ever feel good?
Anyways talk to you later please comment so I know I am loved and someone is out there reading this...thanks
Rabeka Jo
I have less than 3 months to be ready for baby to come home and we keep having to work on our other homes our rental properties instead...and other type hoards that don't really belong to me but I am pretty much looking through my mothers stuff and saying oh I remember this and dismiss it and donate it or throw it away depending on if its of worth for DAV to sell...anyways I am nearly buried in my mothers books that she has collected over the well as inherited from different people she lost throughout the years...and some are worth something but finding someone who holds interest in them and willing to pay what is worth is very tricky process...I just may put them on ebay starting at .99 and hope someone doesn't end up getting such a great deal that they rob me of its worth and hopefully I make enough money to help pay for my braces that I desperately need so I can close my mouth and chew my food properly because my teeth don't meet anymore due to having TMJD surgery, then getting a splint to correct my bite and now I need braces to finally be pain free and able to chew properly and thus solving issues I have been having with my digestion process...anyways...long story there...
Anyways, just thought I would update on my progress on my hoard...
I will try to keep you all up to date on my hoard and I hope it is helping...I am sorry I am slacking off but my health hasn't been up to par lately and I am coming down with something yet again...just got over something and now I am coming down with something else grrr...will I ever not be sick? will I ever feel good?
Anyways talk to you later please comment so I know I am loved and someone is out there reading this...thanks
Rabeka Jo
Saturday, February 26, 2011
My progress as of 02/26/2011
My work on my hoard at my home has been put on a hold because we had an unexpected disaster happen with our rental house with some pipes freezing and then unfreezing and ringing up a $218 in an electric bill because of the electric water heater running full time for only God knows how long....and having to clean up all that water and having to clean up our unexpected abandoned apartment thats damaged which I am hoping we can get up to par before the beginning of this month so we can get someone to rent the place then...but who knows what will happen with that...because my husband has every other weekend off and working after he wakes up from 3rd shift and working on it then is impossible with two kids who need constant supervision because they constantly fight or try to get the other in trouble or hurt....soooo....ya....its so great NOT. but we will get there...probably not on my schedule cause its not this weekend my hubby is off its next...but oh well...maybe April we will get someone in there....who knows....we still have to paint and get rid of the nicotine stains and smell bleh! coming from an ex smoker I dont know how I could stand that ugh!
Anyways, I have nit picked at my hoard though and got rid of a truck load of stuff to the DAV, 4 or 5 trunk, back seat and floor board and front seat and floor board of stuff to the DAV as well and a couple more boxes to add to that I have gotten rid of a whole lot...but a lot of it was stuff that just had came into the door because I also am having to go through my mothers stuff who passed away which is what I want to do because I don't want to miss the memories that go with each item and remember then get rid of it...I know I am weird...but I been doing really good about the getting rid of bit...there is lots of stuff I wanted to keep but I keep thinking to myself WHERE WILL IT GO? if I cant think of some place in my home I have now as to where it could possibly go and if it was safe to have there when the baby is toddling around....then its gone...cause I just can't risk my babies safety just because I have a hard time letting go of something that probably wont ever serve a purpose in my lazy anyways...I have made progress sorry I haven't been updating for over a month well almost two months now huh? sorry bout that...I promise I will get better at it I just as I said had a lot happen and also had to focus on getting the old house up to par so we could move someone in and get it rented so we weren't going too far into the hole every month...which it helps...we are now only going about 350 in the hole every when we rent the apartment for 350 a month we will break out even...unless something else goes wrong which I am praying it doesn't but I expect it because of the way things have been going...I much rather it be those type things than my baby being sick or something...which my baby has a healthy heart yeah! anyways...
I will try to update more in the mean time to get your hoarding fix and help with your hoard go to and|aim|dl8|sec1_lnk3|46706 thats a very interesting article which I live by those things without even have read the article till just a little while ago...I have to add though to their list:
You'll Never Be on "Hoarders" if you....Keep asking yourself "If I keep this where will I store it?, When will I use it? and how often will I use it? is it blessing me? or am I slave to it? (do I have to dust it a lot because it just sits there?) and if you keep going back through things and questioning them over and over until you feel you have really for sure gotten rid of everything you can....then work on storage for the items or display for the if there is stuff you haven't used or warn for a year-10yrs sometimes even....I don't think you need it so get rid of it...if there is a box in the attic or garage that you haven't been in for many years...go through it and say oh yeah thats where that went I bought a new one of those cause I couldn't find this one...and get rid of it...sure its nice to have a spare but really you don't need spares of anything...stick to one of each and replace them when they break...its hard to keep track of many of the same thing than to just keep track of one...its no wonder we lose stuff...we get careless when we have multiples...we think its ok I have tons of that size of wrench or whatever...if we only have one and know it we tend to make sure we put it where it belongs and take better care of things....Craftman for instance if you break it you can take it to sears and they replace it no its like you have a never ending supply of the darn thing so you best be taking darn good care of them but not sweat it if it breaks ya you may have to stop what your doing run to the store and replace it to finish the job your working on...but in the long run....I know its a choice you won't regret just because you won't have to dig through as many wrenches to find that one size you want and need...or far as clothes go....those clothes you plan to get into someday again....ya those...that are sitting somewhere in the back of the closet...(if your pregnant this doesn't apply to you) can go and reward yourself with a whole new wardrobe from the DAV when that day comes when you need that size clothes....having it there taunting in the back of the closet I think doesn't help speed the process but rather may make it stand still because every now and then you try them and they still dont fit dang it which can lead to depression and thus keep your wheels turning to keep you where you don't want to be...isn't it fun to notice hey my pants aren't fitting right lets go shopping and try on some clothes and trying to figure out how many sizes you lost and surprise yourself that you are actually in that size you wanted to be in?! I mean common! get rid of it someone out there can use those clothes right now....your not using them and they are just sitting there...being depressed and sad and lonely and cold in that closet...let someone else warm them and keep them from the moths and dust bunnies :-)
Ok thats my two cents on that blog lol
Anyways talk to you all later I will update more often I have 98 more days until I have this baby (June 5th due date) so I have to really buckle down and get my hoard downsized pretty quick or at least get it somewhere so its not so in the way...for when we have the baby and bring him/her home....yes a surprise even though we wanted to know at our last sono the baby didnt cooperate and had a foot, and all the cord and was breech so it was very hard to see...anyways...I really do need to buckle down...I may try to send a few text messages to the blog they will be 150 characters at a time...but they are something right? I will come back and edit them sometime but not sure when....anyways I will talk to you all later
Rabeka Jo
we got the water bill its $1,668...there is no way we lost an Olympic pool amount of water in the short time that it could of been broke before we found it...I think the meter is broken...the water would have been pouring down the driveway into the street and there would of been water everywhere outside as well as inside and that just wasn't the case at wouldn't of been but a few days that it was busted and it was just a small hole...they are supposed to call us and tell us our adjusted bill which last time this happened which it happens every year since we had to remove the gas powered floor furnace so my friend could move into the place with her daughter due to her throwing a fit and wanting gas company to inspect the place and they ruled that to be thank you Becky! Anyways yeah last time it happened it rang up a good size bill but it wasn't like this! holy moly! but last time they gave us 30% off our bill which if they do that to this bill there is no way we can pay it and we will just have them put it on my husbands credit because its not correct of an amount....anyways they can take us to mother in law had stopped by the house prior to the freezing of the weather and nothing was wrong then...and that was the day before the deep freeze then after it unfroze my husband went over to check and found the leak so it couldn't have been unfroze and spraying for longer than a day...and it spewing enough water to fill an Olympic sized pool in that short amount of time...there is no way it would of went unnoticed by the neighbors over there...which they call us whenever anything happens that they see...anyways just thought I would update on that irony of the situation...anyways ttyl
Anyways, I have nit picked at my hoard though and got rid of a truck load of stuff to the DAV, 4 or 5 trunk, back seat and floor board and front seat and floor board of stuff to the DAV as well and a couple more boxes to add to that I have gotten rid of a whole lot...but a lot of it was stuff that just had came into the door because I also am having to go through my mothers stuff who passed away which is what I want to do because I don't want to miss the memories that go with each item and remember then get rid of it...I know I am weird...but I been doing really good about the getting rid of bit...there is lots of stuff I wanted to keep but I keep thinking to myself WHERE WILL IT GO? if I cant think of some place in my home I have now as to where it could possibly go and if it was safe to have there when the baby is toddling around....then its gone...cause I just can't risk my babies safety just because I have a hard time letting go of something that probably wont ever serve a purpose in my lazy anyways...I have made progress sorry I haven't been updating for over a month well almost two months now huh? sorry bout that...I promise I will get better at it I just as I said had a lot happen and also had to focus on getting the old house up to par so we could move someone in and get it rented so we weren't going too far into the hole every month...which it helps...we are now only going about 350 in the hole every when we rent the apartment for 350 a month we will break out even...unless something else goes wrong which I am praying it doesn't but I expect it because of the way things have been going...I much rather it be those type things than my baby being sick or something...which my baby has a healthy heart yeah! anyways...
I will try to update more in the mean time to get your hoarding fix and help with your hoard go to and|aim|dl8|sec1_lnk3|46706 thats a very interesting article which I live by those things without even have read the article till just a little while ago...I have to add though to their list:
You'll Never Be on "Hoarders" if you....Keep asking yourself "If I keep this where will I store it?, When will I use it? and how often will I use it? is it blessing me? or am I slave to it? (do I have to dust it a lot because it just sits there?) and if you keep going back through things and questioning them over and over until you feel you have really for sure gotten rid of everything you can....then work on storage for the items or display for the if there is stuff you haven't used or warn for a year-10yrs sometimes even....I don't think you need it so get rid of it...if there is a box in the attic or garage that you haven't been in for many years...go through it and say oh yeah thats where that went I bought a new one of those cause I couldn't find this one...and get rid of it...sure its nice to have a spare but really you don't need spares of anything...stick to one of each and replace them when they break...its hard to keep track of many of the same thing than to just keep track of one...its no wonder we lose stuff...we get careless when we have multiples...we think its ok I have tons of that size of wrench or whatever...if we only have one and know it we tend to make sure we put it where it belongs and take better care of things....Craftman for instance if you break it you can take it to sears and they replace it no its like you have a never ending supply of the darn thing so you best be taking darn good care of them but not sweat it if it breaks ya you may have to stop what your doing run to the store and replace it to finish the job your working on...but in the long run....I know its a choice you won't regret just because you won't have to dig through as many wrenches to find that one size you want and need...or far as clothes go....those clothes you plan to get into someday again....ya those...that are sitting somewhere in the back of the closet...(if your pregnant this doesn't apply to you) can go and reward yourself with a whole new wardrobe from the DAV when that day comes when you need that size clothes....having it there taunting in the back of the closet I think doesn't help speed the process but rather may make it stand still because every now and then you try them and they still dont fit dang it which can lead to depression and thus keep your wheels turning to keep you where you don't want to be...isn't it fun to notice hey my pants aren't fitting right lets go shopping and try on some clothes and trying to figure out how many sizes you lost and surprise yourself that you are actually in that size you wanted to be in?! I mean common! get rid of it someone out there can use those clothes right now....your not using them and they are just sitting there...being depressed and sad and lonely and cold in that closet...let someone else warm them and keep them from the moths and dust bunnies :-)
Ok thats my two cents on that blog lol
Anyways talk to you all later I will update more often I have 98 more days until I have this baby (June 5th due date) so I have to really buckle down and get my hoard downsized pretty quick or at least get it somewhere so its not so in the way...for when we have the baby and bring him/her home....yes a surprise even though we wanted to know at our last sono the baby didnt cooperate and had a foot, and all the cord and was breech so it was very hard to see...anyways...I really do need to buckle down...I may try to send a few text messages to the blog they will be 150 characters at a time...but they are something right? I will come back and edit them sometime but not sure when....anyways I will talk to you all later
Rabeka Jo
we got the water bill its $1,668...there is no way we lost an Olympic pool amount of water in the short time that it could of been broke before we found it...I think the meter is broken...the water would have been pouring down the driveway into the street and there would of been water everywhere outside as well as inside and that just wasn't the case at wouldn't of been but a few days that it was busted and it was just a small hole...they are supposed to call us and tell us our adjusted bill which last time this happened which it happens every year since we had to remove the gas powered floor furnace so my friend could move into the place with her daughter due to her throwing a fit and wanting gas company to inspect the place and they ruled that to be thank you Becky! Anyways yeah last time it happened it rang up a good size bill but it wasn't like this! holy moly! but last time they gave us 30% off our bill which if they do that to this bill there is no way we can pay it and we will just have them put it on my husbands credit because its not correct of an amount....anyways they can take us to mother in law had stopped by the house prior to the freezing of the weather and nothing was wrong then...and that was the day before the deep freeze then after it unfroze my husband went over to check and found the leak so it couldn't have been unfroze and spraying for longer than a day...and it spewing enough water to fill an Olympic sized pool in that short amount of time...there is no way it would of went unnoticed by the neighbors over there...which they call us whenever anything happens that they see...anyways just thought I would update on that irony of the situation...anyways ttyl
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