Sorry I didn't get a chance to update the day this progress happened but I at least am posting an update right? OK.
So I spent 6hrs cleaning I cleaned the bathroom (prolly for 30 mins) I took a few breaks cause I am 3 months pregnant and its very exhausting to do much of anything...but for the rest of the time I cleaned the boys room...I got rid of many buckets of toys and downsized to a few bins that fit under their beds...swept and got things cleaned for my son's birthday party the following day which was a success...My husband went through the living room and back door entry way which looks like a whole new house and also the dining room table and kitchen counters as well as the stove...the pantry is still cluttered a little...and the baby's room is now packed full...but I plan to go through one box a day...(at least) I have 6 months 6 days as of today till my due date is here...long as the due date sticks which from the sounds of it they maybe moving it a week before that due date...(June 5th)...anyway I have been doing really good as far as getting rid of toys of that I have the boy's toys under control I get to tackle my own hoard and get rid of the things I planned to do something with many years ago but never have done anything with...which my husband had found some of these type things while going through the entryway and dinning room...and I proudly told him ya I planned to do something with that yrs ago...lets just toss it so I am very proud of myself! Yes there was the anxiety there which made me angry...but it isn't his fault for asking a simple question about do I want to keep this or get rid of it?...its not his fault...I kept telling myself this and thats what got me to be able to tell him toss it...on a few things he did run across...some things I did keep...I have to admit...but they were little things I am not ready to let go of just yet...I will but not right now...I got rid of 98% of the stuff he asked about...anyway...
I am doing husband on the other hand...I want to get rid of the books on ebay...and donate some of the profit to different foundations that have been apart of my life...the books are from my belated mom's belated husband's aunt...and many of them are first editions and my husband wants to keep hold of them incase someday they are worth something...and the national geographic magazines I also planned to do the same on ebay and he wants to keep those as well...oh well...anyways...he did throw away a whole lot while going through boxes while I went through toys...anyways...I am proud of him...just some of the stuff kept don't make sense to me but of course my keep pile probably don't make sense to him either...oh well...we will end up getting rid of a lot of stuff and gain two car garage, and baby's room before we know it...just baby box at a planned...and if feel up to it more than one...and only work 15 mins at a time...and drag out so much stuff that it takes longer than 15 to pick back up and put back away for later looking through if have to halt on the task...anyways...I think we are making progress and keeping these things in mind throughout my doing the going through is well as it helps to say to myself I want a house to live in to entertain family and friends in...and raise my family in...not a storage unit...and that keeps me going...also it helps that I have a clock to go by...I have to be ready in 6 months for the that helps...set a date I would suggest as your "due date" when you want everything in order 6-9months down the line would be that way you have a dead line...or set it for a holiday that you want the family over for dinner or whatever...even if its a yr or two away even....long as you have a due date or a dead can do it I believe you can! just believe in yourself!
Rabeka Jo
P.s. Comment your progress I would love to hear about your progress in your hoard and tell me if I am encouraging you or not? I am doing this for free I am not trained...its just what I gathered from the hoarding shows and my personal experience as far as whats going on in my head and anxiety and all that...anyways I hope it helps someone...and I hope it encourages someone...if not a whole lot of people as I hope...anyway ttyl
Comic but educational look at the disease of Hoarding...serious illness trying to help others understand how they got to where they are and others how their loved one got to where they are...its a hard job but someone has to do it...please comment I will take into consideration any and all suggestions to make it better thank you for feedback it will make the update will be posted every Sunday at 8AM enjoy
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In this blog you will find the many motivations behind the hoarding lifestyle so maybe those who are not hoarders can understand the mind o...

Monday, November 29, 2010
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