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In this blog you will find the many motivations behind the hoarding lifestyle so maybe those who are not hoarders can understand the mind o...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Update 05-21-2012

Ok so I gathered all the papers in the house and divided them into school related and then OTHER...whatever else there is because if I did what I wanted and sorted by type like junk mail or coupons or whatever so it would have stopped me dead in my tracks because I would get hung up on perfection...and yeah couldn't do that to myself...but did the piles so its not so over whelming for my husband...so this gave me an idea...I am going to sort the house out by kind of clutter and yeah haven't started yet but thats the plan so we can see how much of the same thing we have...because I know there is a bunch of the same or similar things...anyways....thats the game plan though...

I went to rake the leaves outside my house and found the broken rake and that's all I had and after doing half a wall worth I decided I was going to find the other one...so I went into our cluttered garage to find it and found three strollers I been meaning to get rid of so I dug those out (which was unburrying a handle that looked like the rake so there was motive behind my madness) I dragged them all out and took pictures to send to a friend I thought may want it...but she didn't so I decided to spray them down with shout stain lifter and then power spray it with the hose...the stains didn't come out but oh well...then my neighbor came over and asked about my garden which got me going to start to pull the grass out of it...and she said she would come back with her mom and help but never came back so I got a little done on that then remembered the task at hand...well long story short the handle wasn't to the rake and I had to use the broken one and drag all the leaves away from the house then shovel it will a snow shovel because I didn't know where the shovel was and to prevent myself from getting sucked into any other sidetracks I just grabbed what was out in plain sight....so yeah it worked and got the job at hand done and I weelburrowed the debris to the compost pile we got going...so I got it done just had a few sidetracks which is why I am a SHE as flylady explains (Sidetrack Home Executive) See where I get the hoarding executive ha ha...so not only do I sidetrack but yes I have a handle on my hoarding tendencies I have refrained from buying anything...I will walk around with stuff in my cart for a while then go and put it back after reasoning in my head...will you really seriously ever use it? and would you use it more than just today? and another one thats good to keep me from buying stuff no matter how good of a deal it is...is WHERE WILL I PUT IT? that one really makes me put everything back and that is that and I didn't cave into the urge to buy such a great deal...so...my suggestion and actually high recommendation is when you are at the store and you are impulsively buying because of a great buy...ask yourself those questions for a while walking around the store with the items in your cart...and really rationalize and put emphasis on the where you will put it...if that doesn't detour you from buying stuff...there are counselors out there that can seriously help you overcome this addiction/disorder...

Anyways, notice I am working outside now instead of inside? Well my husband wants to clean the house before we put a bun in the oven to have a baby in May or June we need to put the bun in the oven in Aug....so yeah gotta step it up into high gear and get through all this junk and get the house ready for baby before the bun can even get into the oven...so yeah...really want to...but very much discouraged...my husband stopped at a garage sale and brought home MORE STUFF!!!! stuff we couldn't live without...so yeah...very discouraging...we are trying to get rid of stuff and he is bringing home stuff quicker than I am shoving it out the door...so feel my wheels spinning and not getting anywhere...so today I put one of the three strollers on ebay which is only running one week for local pickup only...so if your interested and you live elsewhere than Wichita KS then your going to have to travel here to get it...and it would be whole lots cheaper than shipping and handling trust me...anyways...I don't think it will sale because I am so honest and yeah spared them the disappointment when they received it because of the stains but I seriously think they would come out if you put them through the wash...anyways thats all in the details or description whatever....so thats one step closer to getting rid of strollers we no longer will be needing because I bought a new one at the thrift shop awhile back....so yeah that was back when I was weak in my thought control methods...so yeah...I am better have my slip ups every now and then but haven't in a very long ...anyways...I am recovering now to teach my husband the same methods to help keep him from buying so much stuff...fingers crossed!
Anyway talk to you later.
Rabeka Jo

Saturday, May 12, 2012

This weeks attempts

Well I been sorting papers into two piles one related to school (including: drawings, art, teachers notes, menus, etc.) and the other is "other papers" which is anything BUT school/kid related...so I got not too tall of piles going as to not overwhelm but seems my hoarder doesn't want to go through them yet...ok so kinda at a stand still because if I keep adding to it, they will just become overwhelming and nothing will ever come of it...so may try a different approach...may sort it even farther down into art, writing, reading, report cards/progress reports, and teacher notes/menus...see if that's less overwhelming assuming that's the problem...
Anyways, been setting the timer so not to get burned out and just picking one item to gather (papers)...throughout the house...next will be toys and sort those by type again, just to show how many of each kind we actually have and show we can afford to let a few go because we still will have plenty...
After the toys are under control again, I will be tackling my hobby stuff and send my husband to his hobbies and tools and such...I am tempted to help him with his and sort by type and with tools sizes and show him how many of the same he has and hope he can part with some...and same with my crafts really contemplate if I really will ever pick them back up or actually sit down and learn on a few of them...and get rid of them if need be.
Anyways, it's of course a slow process as usually it is since the house didn't get this way over night it surely won't get better that fast either...so I'm taking my baby steps and decluttering (well at least trying to) I had a few things I thought could go away but he told me where to put them instead...at least they have a home now...just wish it wasn't in our home...oh well...I'm giving him the power over what goes and stays and I am not really sure if that's what he really wants so I'm going to ask him and see what he wants from me since it seems he is annoyed and discouraged for whatever reason. You know get on the same page.
Anyway ttyl,
Rabeka Jo

Friday, March 23, 2012

going to be over stepping my boundaries soon

Alright, I am tired of the clutter its past time for me to step up to the plate but I think we finally found a medication that helps with my pain...which means I do have Neuropathy which is where my nerves send signals to my brain saying pain pain pain but when in fact there is no pain at all its just misfired nerves...I am on neurontin which so far has been a blessing in the pain department but in the OCD and can't sleep department it has really taken its tole on me...but the pain is managed so I can soon get this spring cleaning underway and hopefully not step too far over my boundaries and get rid of a bunch of our stuff that is cluttering our lives making me feel like a hoarder. It no doubt will be hard...I will struggle to get rid of things but it just has to happen...I can't live like this anymore...yes I wish someone would come in and direct me...but the only reason for this as my wise aunt told me...is because I don't want to take blame if it doesn't turn out well and someone points out the faults in the progress...then I wouldn't own that shame or disappointment...who ever directed me will be to blame...so I just gotta set out and do it for me and to please me and my family and thats all that matters...I don't need others approval other than them anyway...which is a hard thing to overcome but I am working on that...anyway...life definitely hasn't been easy...we lost my husband's sister...she died...its been hard on us all...anyway...I just gotta suck everything up and do what needs to be done so hopefully soon I will have updates on a regular basis and progress to brag about...I gotta go back to www.flylady.net and get my fly on...and just do 5 mins then 10 mins then 15 mins then 20 mins and thats it...I don't have to do any more cleaning than that at a time...I probably will stay at one level of minutes for a while gradually getting more time on the clock...but the limit is not to burn myself out on the task at hand which is easy for me to do...as with anyone...so yeah...I as usual have big plans and I do plan to follow through this time...I know I have said it before...and didn't...I am the best at starting things that I don't finish...one of the faults I have to live with every waking hour of every day...I can't wait till the day I accomplish what I set out to do...that will be such a great day for me...it will mean I can do anything I set out to do...and yeah...this whole trying to get instruction from others so I have someone to blame if it doesn't work...yeah gotta stop that...for sure...anyways...
I will talk to you later everyone.
God Bless you and keep your hearts light and your feet firmly planted on the ground
Rabeka Jo
p.s. what have you gotten done in your hoard progress? brag in the comments below...maybe it will encourage me to get to it and stick to it...I appreciate all my followers and I hope you can learn something from me and apply it to your lives as well as you to comment and inspire me to keep going...thank you for your time...talk to you later :-)