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In this blog you will find the many motivations behind the hoarding lifestyle so maybe those who are not hoarders can understand the mind o...

Monday, February 4, 2013

Progress Feb 4, 2013

I just turned all my clothes hangers backwards and organized by type of shirts (ie. Music related, fun, dressy, sexy etc.) Did johns too...the deal is the next week or so I will be putting clothes on backwards hanging hangers to make sure all clothes in play get put backwards then I start putting then forward again in four months what hasn't been turned the right way around and I can safely say I don't wear those shirts very often and can get rid of them....tip I read somewhere....I also got rid of a Walmart sized bag of clothes I know I won't wear or haven't worn or don't like wearing...etc....I also ironed on patches on jacks Jeans and sewed on one and ironed one to experiment to see if they last longer if sewed and ironed on....we shall see...now I'm taking a break...may end up down for the count because I'm hurting pretty bad right now...baby stepping my downsize and getting chaos under control...go me! My husband has been going through and getting rid of stuff...I'm very proud of him the house is improving more and more....I will keep you posted...share your comments below about your progress and if you found this helpful...good luck in getting rid of your clutter....blessings to you and your pursuit of happiness...